What Causes Misaligned Teeth?

crooked teeth zenyum invisible braces

3 mins read If you have crooked teeth, you know the struggle. Crooked teeth can affect your ability to chew food properly, impact your speech, and make it harder to keep your teeth clean which can lead to a higher risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Misaligned teeth can also increase wear and tear on your teeth, […]

The Zenyum Experience: What Changes With Clear Aligners? | Zenyum MY

Invisible braces

3 mins read Welcome to the aligner club. Wearing clear aligners can require you to make changes in your lifestyle to adapt to your new BFFs that you can’t live without.   Here are some changes when you start your Zenyum journey. Uploading photos every few days “Patients are then monitored via the Zenyum app, where they upload […]

Are Clear Aligners Worth The Temporary Pain?

invisible braces

3 mins read Anyone who has worn any type of braces before can tell you the simple truth: it hurts, at least for a few days!  Eating crunchy chips or vegetable stalks can be an agonising experience for the first few days of wearing invisible braces as your teeth adjust to your new aligners.   So if clear aligners […]

5 Unexpected But Totally Normal Symptoms When You Wear Clear Aligners

3 mins read While clear aligners provide a range of benefits over conventional metal braces, it does not exempt one from the inevitable sacrifices that come with giving ourselves our best smile. Here are 5 unexpected but totally normal things that happen while wearing clear aligners. 1. You have a lisp You may experience a lisp for the […]

Brushing Your Teeth The Smarter Way

electric toothbrush singapore

3 mins read Chances are, most of us have been brushing our teeth up to tens of thousands of times our entire lives, but does practice make perfect? Mastering the art of the toothbrush goes beyond dental hygiene. To fully reap the health benefits of keeping our pearly whites squeaky clean, here are some tips to brush up […]

Ask Zenyum: 5 Questions Everyone Can’t Stop Asking

3 mins read It’s no secret. Customers love Zenyum and they can’t stop raving about us. But don’t take our word for it. Hear from our customers, Izzuddin and Cherie! No wonder we’re getting a ton of questions on what exactly goes into the secret sauce that makes the Zenyum process irresistible. Here are the top five questions […]

Pros and cons: What you need to know about Zenyum


3 mins read 92% of adults agree that an attractive (not perfect) smile is an important social asset, so upgrading your smile with clear aligners may be one of the most important investments you make. However, you might feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of options out there. To help you make an informed decision, here are the […]

How Much Do Zenyum Braces Really Cost You IRL?

3 mins read The cost of invisible braces may seem like a significant investment. However, when you really break down the numbers, you might find that the daily cost of Zenyum invisible braces may not entail as much sacrifice as you think. It all boils down to what you’re willing to give up in order to enjoy a similar alternative. […]

3 Sneaky Habits That Stunt Your Success And How To Overcome Them

3 mins read Do you look at what others have achieved and wonder why you’re not achieving the success you want? One possible reason could be some sneaky habits in your mindset that stop you from achieving your full potential. Here are 3 common ones and how you can overcome them. Having self-doubt If you’re walking into a […]

5 Ways to Wake Up Smarter

3 mins read 1. Mother knows best… go to bed early! This may seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised at the often-overlooked benefits of hitting the sack early. While working overtime or burning the midnight oil is a norm for time-pressed students and working professionals, productive daytime hours the next day are sacrificed in exchange […]